Parish Faith Formation

“As you have sent me into the world,
so I  sent them into the world.”
John 17:18


The mission of the Parish Faith Formation at St. John Baptist de la Salle Parish in Granada Hills is to echo the message of Jesus Christ in order that all members of our faith community may have a living, active and conscious faith.


Pastor and Spiritual Director: Fr Ramon Valera
Faith Formation Coordinator: Sandy Cole

For information, registration procedures and office hours call 818-368-1514 or email


Admissions and Registration Procedure
Absence and Tardy Procedure
Behavior Expectations
Safety and Health Procedures
Discipline Procedures



Liturgy of the Word
Family Program
Middle School



Order of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
High School – Sunday
Adult - Sunday




All families are welcome to register their students in our Parish Religious Program.  The program Catechizes baptismal families, children through adults.  A baptismal certificate for students is required with the registration form.  If not Baptized, a birth certificate is required and he/she will be enrolled in the OCIA/OCIC Program for the reception of the Sacraments.  There is a fee for each program.  A registration form and fee are required for each year.

Registration forms will be available in the spring.  Space in the program is limited and it is recommended that families register their students early for the upcoming year.  For more information on registering, please call 818-368-1514 or email



The family must call the Faith Formation Office on or before the day of the absence (818) 368-1514.  Upon the student’s return to class send a note to the teacher.  The note will be kept on file in the SRE Office and will be considered an excused absence.  Contact the teacher concerning material that was covered or homework that was due during your student’s absence.   Unexcused absences will require a review of the student’s progress before promotion.



The student is expected to cooperate with the teachers and staff of the program and other Parish personnel.  He/she is to relate to other students in a Catholic Christian manner.  Students are to respect Parish property.



For the safety of your student we require that you follow the arrival and departure procedures included in your fall mailing as a protection for the students.  A parent/guardian is required to sign the student(s) in and out of each class.  It is a requirement that each student’s emergency information be updated by the family as needed.  If a student becomes ill or has a serious injury during class time we will contact the family or the emergency alternate person listed on your emergency card. 

Emergency procedures directed by the Archdiocese will be followed during the event of a fire or earthquake. 



  1. The teacher or staff member will give a warning and explain corrective behavior.
  2. The Coordinator will contact the family.
  3. The Pastor and the Coordinator will meet with the family to determine action for the benefit of the student.





Children's Liturgy of the Word is an extension of the main assembly's celebration of the Mass during the readings and homily time at the 9:00 am Sunday Mass.  Watch for the banner in the Entrance Procession to know that the children will be dismissed to gather in the Kateri Room to hear simplified, age appropriate readings, reflect on what they have heard, profess their faith, and offer prayers of the faithful.  They will return to their families in Church during the Offertory, for the continued celebration of Mass.



The Family Program is an intergenerational approach to ongoing learning and conversion.  Families are given guidance through the sessions to help them make connections between faith, traditions, and family life.



In the first year the students come to know Jesus and to celebrate the Good News.  Through activities, prayers and practices they grow in the understanding of the key faith concepts such as God’s love, Jesus’ life, and teachings and belonging to the Church.  The students are introduced to the Mass and sacraments.



The students are called to enter into a sacramental relationship with Jesus and our Christian Community.  They explore the nature of celebration, Jesus’ saving action and the moral choices involved in being a good follower of Jesus.  The students are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist.  They are invited into the Community of the Church and to the Table of the Lord.

Parents are required to attend two parent meetings.  Students should be attending Sunday Mass regularly.  


GRADES 3 & 4

The student is invited to participate in the life of the Church.  The mission and structure of the Church are presented.  The Saints and Christian heroes are offered as role models.  The student begins to explore Christian morality as a way of life.  Emphasis is on the students’ covenant relationship with God and responsibility to the community.  




The fifth grader is invited to explore the faith of the Christian Community as it is professed in the Creed, celebrated in the Sacraments, and lived out in Christian Witness.



The sixth grade students participate in a retreat each year and focus on the biblical roots of faith, especially the history of salvation as it unfolds in the books of the Old Testament.  They are taught that the choices of our ancestors in faith have shaped the life of the Church.



The seventh grade students participate in a retreat each year; they explore the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and his continuing presence in the Church.  The students are taught what responsibilities come with being a follower of Jesus.  They are invited to make their relationship with Jesus and his Church more firmly a part of their lifelong journey to God’s Kingdom.



The eighth grade class participates in a retreat format. They focus on our Church’s history. The students recommit their relationship to the Church. The world of the eighth grader with all its challenges, questions, sorrows, and joys is explored from a Catholic perspective.





Baptismal Catechesis is required by the Church.  The session will explain the Rite of Baptism.  Responsibilities of both the parents and godparents are discussed.  The presentation explores the importance of becoming part of the Parish Community that you are bringing your child into through Baptism.

Archdiocesan policy requires class attendance by parents and godparents.  Classes are held one Sunday a month.  Baptism arrangements are made through the Parish Office.



The Order of Christian Initiation of adults and children is a process for welcoming new members into the Roman Catholic Church.  Initiation is a community journey that leads to a transformation of mind and spirit.  Guided by the Gospel and by examples set by parishioners, new comers (INQUIRERS) can find their place in the community of believers.  The enthusiastic and joyous response for the candidates to the discovery of Christ in their lives can spark renewed faith in the lives of other parishioners.



Since Vatican II the Church has emphasized the need to re-think our Confirmation programs. The revision of the sacramental process affects both the candidates and their community. There is an opportunity for growth in faith, time for reflection, time for integrity and Christian life style, and time for choosing a life of discipleship and service. Candidates will begin this process in the ninth grade led by a Confirmation Team of Archdiocesan certified Catechists. There will be a period of inquiry and an examination of their knowledge of truths of their faith. This period includes retreats, liturgies, and a deepening awareness of the lifelong commitment they are making to continue their ministry and service as Catholic Christians.

Year 1

Since the Sacrament of Confirmation is so closely connected and built upon their Baptism, the objective of Year 1 will be to establish the candidate's understanding of their baptismal call.  Year 1 will seek to create an experience and environment of conversion and rededication to our baptismal promises.  Through catechesis, faith sharing, retreat, and social interaction, the candidates will learn daily how to "Put on Christ." (Rom 13:14, Eph 4:24; Cd 3:12).

Year 2

Within Year 2 candidates will be challenged to develop a "more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit - His actions, His gifts, and His bidding," (CCC1309).  The objective of Year 2 is to impart to the candidates the tools to fully understand the effect of the Sacrament of Confirmation, which is the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and seek to implant the notion that faith formation is ongoing.  Through catechesis, faith sharing, retreat, and social interaction, candidates will be formed into learning the skills of arousing their own faith by "assuming the apostolic responsibilities of Christian life and developing a sense of belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ, as well as the parish community," (Cf. CCC 1309). Year 2 will be a preparation process for being "Empowered by the Spirit."


Adult Confirmation

Confirmation for adults that have completed High School, have received First Communion, and have not yet been confirmed.  Classes to prepare for the Sacrament begin in January.  Please contact (818) 368-1514 or email to arrange an appointment for an interview.  Please bring a current copy of your baptismal certificate and the date and Church of your First Communion.



The Archdiocese of Los Angeles is committed to compliance with the U.S. Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.  Article 12 of the Charter mandates that, “each diocese establish and maintain a Safe Environment Program for children and youth.”  In light of this, the – VIRTUS Teaching Touching Safety Program for Children – was adopted by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in September 2006.  The program will be presented to parents and students each year.

Copyright St. John Baptist de la Salle Parish 10738 Hayvenhurst Avenue, Granada Hills, CA 91344 Phone: (818) 363-2270 Fax: (818) 832-8950